You Are Exactly Where You Are Meant To Be

When you really get honest with yourself, deep down within your heart, what is it that you just KNOW that you are meant to DO, but you keep holding yourself back because you just don’t know HOW?

Sometimes, you just have to take the leap.

You are never going to be sure what is on the other side until you do.

It’s human nature to want to try and “figure it all out.”

But really, that is not the way the Universe works.

When you believe in something with all your heart, it is a massive requirement that you make the choice, and by LEAPING you have to TRUST that the way will be shown to you.

You don’t have to know the “HOW.”

The “how” shows up as a result.

This is what most people find to be the most difficult part about following their heart.

That they don’t actually know the HOW. But really, what fun would it be if you did?

Living from intuition and heart requires you to utilize and practice an entirely new way of being, living and operating in this world.

It is one that our logical, rational, linear minds do not like.

If you’re not careful, there can be so much FEAR interjected in these choices — either by your own mind or from external sources— and this can severely impair your ability to follow your bliss and do what it is you truly want to do.

Who is it that you are meant to be?

What is it that you are meant to be doing?

How do you want to show up in the world? Why do you keep holding yourself back from that, if you want it so bad?

You’re not going to have it all figured out. You don’t HAVE to.

All you have to do is make the DECISION to have, do or be whatever it is you want.

Once you make that decision and take the LEAP— that’s when the magic and the miracles begin to happen.

People start showing up in your life that were never there before. You start receiving the most serendipitous experiences, that line up so magically and easily. Life begins to flow from the most magical place.

I know it’s hard to believe.

I know you want to have it all figured out.

I know you want to stay safe — but if you keep playing safe, your life will continue to be small.

Everyone who has ever played BIG in their life, took a chance, made the leap and believed wholeheartedly in the Universe’s ability to support them and their dreams.

Success — when born from your soul— has more to do with your own faith and trust in yourself and the Universe, more than anything else. Because if you don’t believe it, how will anyone else?

Having faith when nothing is showing up.

Having faith when everything feels as if it’s falling apart.

Having faith when it seems as if you might not make it, and you’re starting to doubt yourself.

Not everyone has what it takes to live from faith and operate from this place where your BELIEF is really the only thing that is carrying you forward.

Because everything is happening for a reason.

You are exactly where you are meant to be..

What if you believed that all of life is organizing around your success, right now?

If you knew you were fully supported and completely secure, what would you do?

If you began to operate in your life from this place, how would that change your life?

I could imagine that you would be doing things you never even imagined, things that would change your life in a HUGE way.

Wouldn’t that feel good to believe in yourself for once?

Wouldn’t that be amazing for you to have faith that everything is working out in perfect harmony, for the greatest good of all?

The truth is, that it IS all perfect and whole and complete.

YOU are perfect, whole and complete as you are right now.

You don’t need to EARN your place.

You don’t need to PROVE your worth.

You just need to show up, make the choice and take the LEAP.

The Universe has got your back.

You can have faith in your ability.

You can believe in yourself.

It is safe to believe in your dreams.

Because really, that is what life is all about.

If you never challenge yourself to go beyond your limits, then how will you know what you are capable of?

You have so many gifts and talents that you haven’t even tapped into yet.

And the only way to do it is to just LET GO.

Give yourself permission to surrender the HOW. You don’t have to figure it all out. Whatever it is, allow yourself to take action today.

Take that step. Make the leap. Start small. Challenge yourself to take that one baby step towards your dreams.

You are meant for so much greater than this, beautiful soul.

You have SO MUCH within you that is just waiting to be unleashed.

It’s about following your heart and doing what is in alignment with your soul.

You deserve to have the life of your dreams. And much is required along the way, however nothing that is being asked of you is beyond your capacity and capabilities as a human being.

You can do this.

You are strong enough to handle whatever life throws at you.

I believe in you.

Your future self will thank you for making that choice, taking the leap and believing in yourself.

I know you can do it

What are you waiting for?

Remember– you can have, do or be ANYTHING you desire.

In love and light,

Lauren Love

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