Make The Leap And Trust That The Outcome Is Always Perfect

Today is the day that you’ve been waiting for.

There is no day like today to change your life.

Everything that you have been working for in your entire life brought you to this moment right here, right now.

When you just give yourself a moment to drop in… what do you feel?

What is it that your heart desires? What is your truest soul’s calling in this life?

This has been the path that you have been on for some time, and it’s about to take an entirely new direction, and I know you’re scared.

I know you want to move forward in confidence and grace and faith, and you will.

The next few steps are the ones you take in faith, in believing that you are making the right choice, without knowing yet if it is or not.

But how could it not be?

The very fact that this is what you *want* is evidence enough that you are making the right choice.

When we follow the path of the soul, the heart, the outcome is always perfect.

This has been something that I have been learning lately, and working on greater and greater levels of trust for— that the outcome is ALWAYS perfect.

Even if there is a massive breakdown in process.

Sometimes we really do need to let it all break down.

Sometimes it NEEDS to break down!!

 Because ultimately, and you KNOW in your heart of hearts, that it was NOT for you anyways.

Those things that were in your life were SOOOO fucking close, too!! They were SOOO close to being in ALIGNMENT, that they fooled you.

Isn’t that crazy, that we can want something so bad, and then when something that is ALMOST what we want shows up— we ask ourselves, is this IT? When deep down inside we feel and we know that it is not 100% aligned, but then we start to question and doubt ourselves— thinking that well, it’s pretty fucking CLOSE and maybe this is just what I GET and I should SETTLE for this, because what if I don’t get another chance?

I know this is something that has been on my mind lately, and what precipitated so many things in my life to fall apart. Thank GOD though!

Because ultimately what happens is it leads us to dissatisfaction, to an unfulfilling place…

And then we wake up every morning asking ourselves…

I have EVERYTHING I have ever wanted… my life LOOKS perfect on the outside… but I’m STILL not happy.

Ever feel that way?

 SOOOOO many of my clients say that to me, and then we begin to dive into WHY they feel that way…

And what we find is yet again this truth… that the things in their life were not entirely 100% fucking aligned.

They end up leaving relationships, jobs, routines, environments, friendships, and begin to shift and change EVERYTHING in their life.

And its not about the external either. These things ONLY change as a result of INTERNAL work.

And when you realize that you have NOT been listening to your SOUL and your HEART’S TRUE DESIRE, and you begin to listen and tune in… you find it whispers and beats to the rhythm of an entirely different drum…

What you THOUGHT would make you happy DIDN’T.

It wasn’t exactly what you wanted

It wasn’t 100% aligned.

You did what everyone else wanted you to do.

You did what you thought you SHOULD do.

You listened to the expectations of others.

You sold your soul for a promise of a better life.

And yet what you found when you got there was that it was empty, cold and alone.

When are you going to wake up and allow yourself to have what you REALLY want?

I know it can be scary. I know there is so much uncertainty in that place, and you fear ridicule, judgement and criticism from others.

You criticize and judge YOURSELF for even wanting that.

But deep down inside you know it is right

There is no more time to wait as you are denying yourself what you really want.

I know it is hard— but you HAVE to do this for yourself.

It’s a part of evolution and growth. When you are ready to grow these things come up in order for you to resolve and release from your life.

You are the caterpillar that has cocooned yourself up— and now it’s time to BREAK OUT and become the beautiful butterfly that you always knew you were meant to become.

It’s time to spread your wings and fly.

Lean out onto that ledge.

Feel the wind on your skin.

And take the LEAP.

What are you waiting for?

There’s no better time than right now— to change your life.

There’s never going to be a better time. If you’re feeling this way, it’s not just going to go away.

I know you’ve been feeling this way for a long time anyways.

Nothing is going to change to make it a better time, you’re never going to feel ready and there’s no magic pill that is going to make it go away.

You just have to deal with it head on and be really really fucking honest with yourself.

Let’s be real, okay? You know what you have to do.

So go and DO that thing today. Right now.

You owe it to yourself to stop putting off your dreams.

You deserve to have your life be exactly the way you want it.

You deserve to go after your heart’s true desire.

You can create whatever you want in your life— if only you believe.

There are infinite possibilities just waiting to be discovered.

And the only place you will find it is within.

So dive deep into your soul and ask yourself— am I ready to go ALL IN?

The Universe supports you, and you are safe to follow your soul. When you act in alignment with your Highest Self, the outcome is always perfect.

I know you can do this.

Sending so much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul!!

In love and light,

Lauren Love

P.S. If you need any support or guidance along the way, know that I am here to support you. I only have a few spots left in my Private Mentoring Program for this month, so get in now while you can!

Message me for details and to see if it would be a good fit for you– to FINALLY go after your dreams and get what you REALLY WANT!!!

I would be so honored to guide you along this amazing journey to align with the deepest desires of your heart and soul. ❤️

You don’t have to do this alone.

I am here for you!!


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