When You Have A Big Enough Dream, It Will Always Seem Impossible Until It’s Done.

The greatest thinkers, inventors, creators, entrepreneurs, authors, and great leaders of this world never knew HOW they were going to do something until AFTER they committed.

So if you have a big goal or dream in mind… if you want to change your life in a HUGE and massive way, and you keep overwhelming yourself with trying to figure out just HOW you are going to make it happen… you might as well not even start.

Because the second you start to obsess and ruminate and overthink every little detail about HOW you are going to achieve something, you instantly block the manifestation of the greatest expression of that dream from coming forth through you and to you.

The nature of the Universe is to deliver EXACTLY that thing that you desire to bring into being, by nature of your thoughts, emotions and energetic state that you hold in every given moment.

The best way to utilize this law of the universe then is to simply focus on the OUTCOME and hold your focus on the visualization and manifestation of the dream, the goal, the result of what it is you are desiring to create.

In this way — you are sending a signal to the universe that says, THIS IS WHAT I DESIRE IN MY LIFE.

When you stay focused on the outcome, the Universe begins to conspire to make it happen.

As a former mentor of mine Claire Zammit says, “All of life is organizing around your success.”

When you believe that life is happening FOR you, not TO you, you begin to tap into and have access to the greater powers that are just waiting to be utilized for the realization of your highest good.

Most people dont even realize the power they have as creators of their own universe.

We are always creating, every single second and moment of your life— you are creating this moment and every moment that is about to come forth in your future.

Whatever you are focusing on now, whatever you are thinking about — you will bring about.

The content of your thoughts right NOW is exactly what you are creating.

Your focus determines your future.

What are you choosing to focus on today?

Are you caught up in the past? Are you worrying about the future?

What are the dominant emotions and feelings you experience on a day to day basis?

This is why we tend to repeat the same things over and over again in our lives.

Because when you are not aware of your power to create your reality using your thoughts, you will unconsciously continue to create the same limiting patterns over and over again in your life, and then wonder why nothing is changing.

The only way to change your life is to change your thoughts and change the content of your consciousness and the energy states you hold in the now.

You are always available to think new thoughts. The only way to do this is to ascend into higher and higher levels of consciousness and shifting your perception about life and what it means to be a co-creator of your life.

You have the power now to turn your entire life around.

But you have to CHOOSE to focus on the outcome, the goal, the result that you are choosing to create — and then simply let go.

Your job is not to figure out the HOW!!

Your job is to focus your attention on what you want, empower your mind with powerful thoughts, and believe that what you desire CAN and WILL happen for you as it is meant to according to the Divine Plan for your life.

Allow the HOW to be shown to you.

Do the work and take inspired action to get there.

And all of your dreams will come true.✨

When you get all caught up in the details, you ultimately block the manifestation of the greatest dream, according to God’s will, to be shown to you.

Allow yourself to let go and be guided. 🙏

What you desire IS on its way to you. ❤️

As long as you hold that vision in your mind, it’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of when…

And as long as you keep the faith, continue on your journey, your greatest vision and goals will happen easily and effortlessly.

This is the work.

I never said it would be easy!! But it IS worth it.

You are worth it.❤️

I love you. Sending sooo much love to you wherever you are along your journey.

Have an amazing Sunday!!

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