Get Over Yourself And Do The Work

You know that voice within you that says, “You should just wait until tomorrow.”

That is quite possibly the most dangerous lie that you could ever buy into — if you are truly here to make a difference.

“Wait until tomorrow” is actually more sinister than the other lies your fear-mind tells you, such as, “You’re not ready. You’re not qualified enough. You don’t have enough experience. WHO ARE YOU to even teach people how to do that?!”

These are all lies we tell ourselves when it comes to doing our purpose work, the work that comes deep from within our SOULS and is the thing that we came to do on this planet.

I believe the “wait” lies are more sinister because they aren’t direct self-criticisms like the other lies I listed above.

These lies come from fear and are way easier to identify when they come up. They have all sorts of weird feelings that come along with it— shame, fear, anxiety, etc. that are much easier to notice and release.

But that voice that says, “Just WAIT! There’s SO many other more important things to do and/or get ready BEFORE you start, so let’s do it AFTER we get all these things ready.”

You know what I’m talking about, right?

Essentially what is happening is this voice within you is telling you to HOLD OFF ON YOUR DREAMS.

It is telling you that if you just WAIT, there will be a perfect moment in time and space, where all the cosmos align and you suddenly feel absolutely READY and AMAZING and everything is PERFECT… so NOW you can start…


That time will NEVER happen.

It’s an illusion that many wannabe entrepreneurs and healers and coaches fall prey to.

Or maybe you have been doing some of the work you feel called to do— but it’s not like THE THING that you KNOW you are here to do. The big hairy scary dream that you would like to achieve, but you’re over here doing this other thing because you “have to” or because you’re good at it, or because it is the thing that is supporting you financially and helping you stay afloat.

Those are not inherently “bad” things— look we all need to make sure we have a solid financial foundation in life — however at what COST are you putting off your dreams?

I turned 36 last month, and it really dawned on me how short life is. When I was growing up I thought 35 was OLD. I thought I would have it all figured out by now. I thought I would be a millionaire, traveling the world, being amazing, and just ultimately living the life of my dreams.

It really hit me that life is short. You don’t know when your life will end. You ultimately don’t know how many years you will have on this planet, so why wait? The opportunity is out there for you to achieve ANYTHING you desire. TRULY.

With the internet and technology, and free and easy accesss to just about any resource that you could ever want about how to learn or do ANYTHING— it really takes away any excuse to live the life you were called for.

You can do ANYTHING you put your mind and heart to.

You can truly achieve whatever you dream up.

Now for some people that is really scary — because the abundance of choices available to them is overwhelming.

I know for me sometimes I have a hard time myself choosing between all the available choices; however what I’ve found is most helpful is to just DECIDE and take action from there.

Life expands in every direction from there. The opportunities for expansion that happen from a simple choice are extraordinary.

Sometimes it is helpful to remember that once you choose, you can always go back and change your mind later. But NOT until you actually follow through and take action to see how things turn out!

You have to give yourself a chance to actually succeed at that thing that you truly desire.

Even if you’re not the smartest, brightest, fastest, most talented person in the world… you don’t have to be to succeed.

Success really comes from habits. Perseverance. Determination. Commitment to growth, expansion, and learning from your mistakes.

Sure, someone can have talent in a certain area, however that talent must be developed otherwise it is useless.

But in any venture that requires you to tap into your SOUL, your PURPOSE, your PASSION, what lights you up, excites you, and drops you into your deepest FLOW — will require you to face resistance and choose to keep.going.anyways.

Steven Pressfield said, “The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.”

Right now to be completely honest with you… I am terrified! I am scared of this next level that I am calling in for myself in business, work, purpose work, money, abundance, etc… but I am CHOOSING to take action ANYWAYS.

Taking action in the face of resistance is the ONLY way to get over yourself and just do the work you came here to do.

What is it that lights you up and gives you that sense of fulfillment inside?

  For me, it is coaching, teaching, helping, serving, leading, and sharing the message that is in my soul.

If I did nothing else for the rest of my life — I would die a happy and fulfilled woman.

I see myself writing and releasing tons of books! Books that really illuminate and wake people up. Help them transform just by the act of reading the words contained in the manuals.

I see myself leading thousands of people all over the world, speaking on stages in front of hundreds, maybe even thousands of people! I had this vision downloaded into my awareness years and years ago at a Huna Training in Hawaii with my spiritual teacher. It still is as clear and real in my mind today as it was when it first came to me. I know at some point in my life— this will come true for me.

I see myself building an empire online and being one of the top people for transformation and coaching in the industry. I don’t want to do it in the traditional way; I just want to be me! I want to be a role model for coaches, leaders, healers, creators, who just want to create and unleash their magic into the world but who don’t fit in the traditional mold of what society says we “should” do.

I see myself serving at such a high capacity that it allows massive amounts of wealth to circulate through my hands and out into the world! I am here to help heal and change the world through my message, and the more money I have, the more I can help and serve and make my mission come true. Wealth, true wealth, is not about how much money you have, it is about how you are using that wealth to give back and become the greatest version of yourself in that process.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, I can honestly say to you that these goals scare the crap out of me. But I know they are true and real for me. To embody and achieve them would allow me to grow into the best and highest version of myself, which is what I believe life is all about.

Becoming who you truly are.

There is nothing about following your soul that is easy or says that you won’t face resistance. It’s weird — because there is this deeper, wiser part of me that says, THIS IS REAL AND TRUE AND A 100% reflection of who you really are.

AND there’s also that part of me that says, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

From my wise authentic mind I can discern between the two and know with all my being that taking action and moving through that resistance is the soul-aligned thing to do.

In that way— following your soul work is the EASIEST and HARDEST thing you will ever do.

As long as you keep choosing the work, your true purpose work, whatever that is— you will succeed.

All of your dreams will come true.

But it will require you to GET OVER YOURSELF, this ego fear-based self inside, and actually DO THE WORK THAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO.

You got this. You DESERVE this.

It would be a waste to go through your whole life WAITING to do your soul work. The real work.

The only work that matters.

In light & love,

Lauren Love xo

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