Turn Your Pain Into Purpose

What if everything you have experienced in your life… was for a reason?  What if you could turn your pain into purpose?

What if everything you have been through — all the pain, suffering, joy and happiness — all of it wrapped up together was moving you forward towards this very moment right now?

What if you are exactly where you are meant to be?

I used to think that “if only” something didn’t happen, or happened differently, that my life would be better, I would be wiser and much better off.

However, life doesn’t seem to work that way.

Life gives us challenges on top of challenges.

Some of us receive more challenges.

It seems some of us “get lucky” more than others.

But what if … what if… it is all the same…

What if we get dealt what we get dealt BECAUSE WE’RE MEANT TO.

What if God designed you to experience EXACTLY what you experienced FOR A REASON..?

Do you know what that reason is?

What if you had to go through what you went through, in order to come out the other side with a specific set of experiences, knowledge and skill set — that you now get to use to create your life’s greatest work?

What if it all happened for your GREATEST GOOD?

If you believed that, well then…. You’d have to let go of all of the resentment and regret.

No longer would things baffle you as to WHY they happened.

You don’t have to wonder WHY anymore…because you would know they happened to develop your strength, your character, your grit, your personality, your compassion, and your values to mold you into exactly the person God wanted you to be to be able to GIVE BACK AND SERVE the people who you are meant to serve on this earth.

I’m not talking about everyone here.

Not everyone was born with this type of calling.

I’m talking about the type of woman who KNOWS without a shadow of a doubt that she is BORN FOR MORE, that she is here FOR A REASON, and that she is here to HELP THE WORLD HEAL in more ways than one.

There is a BIG calling inside of you… you can feel it pulsing, beating, screaming inside to let it OUT

However there is SO MUCH RESISTANCE and fear and worry and doubt blocking you from unleashing your greatness.

Why so much doubt? Why so much fear? Why so much hesitation and holding back?

Why my dear, because the greater the calling, the greater the impact, the greater the resistance to the thing that your soul was born to do – your purpose.

Some of us have a purpose that feels SO BIG and electric that it feels overwhelming. Like HOW IN THE HELL am I ever going to achieve that? I don’t see how, I can’t understand how, so how can I make it happen?

How could you NOT, darling?

How could you NOT pursue what your soul is calling you into with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul?

There is something happening just beyond your reach…

You feel it, you know it… but yet…

You can’t quite get there.

Let me help you unleash your greatness, pull out from within you what you already know — and become who you are truly meant to become.

That is the core essence of this teaching — is that it isn’t about becoming something you’re not

It’s becoming who you truly are.

It’s giving yourself permission to let go.

To release what has been holding you back for so long…

And TRUSTING with every fiber of your being… that everything that has happened to you was for a reason – and it is here to serve you and PROPEL YOU into your next level of being.

IT IS ALL WORKING FOR YOU. Not against you.

What have you learned? What are the lessons you have learned through your lifetime and leading up to this moment right now?

That is why you’re here.

These lessons are your greatest teachers, and it is your job to pass those on to those who are here to learn from you.

There are many people out there who need to hear your message.

It comes in many forms.

I know you know this.

By actively NOT sharing your message, you are denying these people the opportunity to grow and learn and evolve with you.

Sure, if it is their destiny, they will learn and figure it out somehow, but why would you deny them the opportunity of learning from the person who can help them the most?

It is you. It has always been you.

It is time for you to step into the light of who you truly are once again.

Your trials and tribulations are your medicine to the world.

Sharing your struggles, your pains, your victories and failures— this is what makes you human, relatable, and divine.

This may not make very much sense right now— but I urge you to continue letting the message to come through you.

You do not need to figure it out.

You do not need to plan out how everything is going to work out.

It just needs to happen organically, naturally, simply.

As a result of actions being taken, one after another, after another.

All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other.

You are here for a reason.

You got this.

In light & love,

xo Lauren


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