3 Ways to Get Clarity on Your Message Now

Getting clarity on the brand message is something that most entrepreneurs and coaches struggle with at some point.

I see many clients struggle with this for many reasons… they either aren’t clear themselves on the result they provide, they aren’t clear what problems they solve, or what solutions they offer. Sometimes they aren’t clear who they are helping specifically and who the niche is specifically that they are speaking to.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter — because I’m going to give you 3 ways to gain clarity on your message right now so that you can bust through all the brain fog, the confusion, the overwhelm of trying to FIGURE IT ALL OUT, and just get CLEAR ALREADY on what the FUCK your message is so you can deliver it to your people and attract your soulmate clients.

1. The first exercise is the “what do you stand for/against” exercise.

I want you to sit down with your journal, get out a timer and for 7 minutes just allow yourself to write out everything that comes up under each of these headings, at least a page or 2 of each.

What do you stand for?

This means that you get really honest with yourself, allow yourself to relax into the exercise and let your mind go blank. Let whatever come up without filtering or censoring the information, just write.

I stand for complete and total 100% empowerment, breaking free and living a life of alignment, love, joy, happiness, wealth, and perfect self-expression.

I stand for women bossing up and being independent and also blissing out, having the most amazing balance of work/play, feminine/masculine, building a life where they can have it ALL— the business, the money, the relationships, spiritual practices, travel, play, family— whatever it is that they can DREAM OF and vision out, they can create and manifest in their life.

I stand for 100% backing yourself and trusting yourself no matter what, loving yourself and believing that you are MORE THAN ENOUGH and WORTHY. You have total permission to be your big bold beautiful self, no matter what anyone says, thinks, or does.

I stand for ALWAYS following your SOUL no matter where it leads, even if it makes no logical sense, even if no one understands, if you know in your heart it is right for you, I stand for always following intuitive guidance because when you do the outcome is ALWAYS perfect.

I stand for giving more than I receive. I stand for loving and forgiving and releasing all that is within me that blocks the flow of goodness, joy, and abundance from my heart.

I stand for authentic sales conversations. Being real and also having a structure that gets results. I stand for duplicating and repeating what works, and throwing out what doesn’t.

I stand for raising my vibration each and every day through spiritual practices such as journaling, meditation, breath work, and listening to my Soul and Higher Self for guidance.

I stand for supporting my clients 100% and ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT BELIEVING in their innate capacity to overcome their limitations, release their baggage, and bring their FULLEST VISION to fruition as soon as possible.

I stand for being the LIGHT, standing in the LIGHT, showing up as the LIGHT and shining my LIGHT for others at all times so that they can illuminate their own inner brilliance and step into their true purpose and passion.

I stand for authenticity, transparency, and bringing your full self to all interactions.

I stand for living with an open heart, balancing stability and fluidity, structure and flow for a happy work/life balance.

What do you stand against?

I stand against fake shit, hypocrisy, putting on a face, pretending to be something you’re not.

I stand against the entrepreneurs and coaches selling their 478392 steps to success who are just regurgitating some formula that was taught to them by their coaches, that was taught to them by their coaches, and so on and so forth. I stand AGAINST these cookie-cutter formulas that say “this is the ONLY way to success online” or on Facebook, or on IG, or whatever — because there will NEVER be just ONE WAY to succeed, and sure it might work in the short term, but that’s not the way to follow your SOUL’s sales plan OR create TRUE wealth.

I stand AGAINST being just another fucking copy coach who does exactly the same shit as other coaches online. I stand AGAINST coaches who think in order to be successful all I need to do is post some pretty things on social media and I will get clients. I stand AGAINST coaches with no experience charging thousands of dollars, ripping people off, and therefore tainting the reputation of the coaching industry. I stand AGAINST coaches with NO sales experience teaching sales skills!!

I stand AGAINST thinking that in order to be successful to need to “earn” or “prove” your worth in any way, shape or form. I stand AGAINST the idea that you need to wait in order to get started or have everything figured out before you begin. You do not!!!

I could go on and on… but you get the point!!!

This is what I want you to do for yourself… these are some powerful things that help to get a bigger picture idea of the philosophies and topics that you are most passionate about. It also can give you great ideas for blog posts or videos, and then gives you the information you need to complete the next exercises.

2. The next exercise you can do to gain clarity on your message NOW is the 30 Second Exercise:

Imagine you are about to broadcast LIVE to everyone on the entire planet, and you only have 30 SECONDS to share the message you came to change the world with.

What would you say?  How would you make it so powerful that they would never forget it for the rest of their lives?


“I am here to WAKE YOU UP and get you to understand that you MUST follow your SOUL!!! Unleash your Soul’s Purpose and Message from within you, take Massive Action to bring your dreams into reality … otherwise you will continue to be sick, broke, stuck, and dissatisfied.

The only way to FREEDOM, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, and FULFILLMENT beyond your wildest dreams is to remember who you are and what you came here to do…BREAK FREE AND CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE”

Don’t overthink it or try to figure it out before you write it. Just start. Just write. Allow it to pour out of you like water. You will be surprised when you just drop into the flow and your unconscious mind takes over.

How was that??

Through these first two exercises you should be gaining much clarity on what your message is already, aren’t you?

Great, now let’s go through the last exercise so that you can sum it all up and you can have these great pieces of content to work with as you move forward in your business with more clarity, energy, and excitement around your message and what you came here to do!

3. The third and final exercise is more like a plug-and-play. Love it, here goes:

I help ___ go from ___ to ___ so that they can ___.

This is a powerful statement that can REALLY help potential clients understand who you help, the problem you solve, the solution you offer, and the benefit/value proposition that they can expect from working with you.

I will go in more depth on the problems/solutions concept in a future post/training— so message me if you would like more information on this!

For example:

I help coaches go from stuck & broke, to absolute clarity on exactly what they need to do so that they can take massive action and create a 6 figure business and life of freedom and fulfillment.

I help coaches and leaders go from stress & overwhelm to a six figure streamlined strategy so that they can spend less time, energy in their business and earn more money!

Etc. I could go on and on, there are so many ways I could share what I do — from a business perspective, an energy perspective, a values perspective, a health perspective, a soul alignment perspective, etc.

It’s really up to you to play with it and discover… what FEELS best in my soul?

What wording aligns most with who I am, who I serve, and what I’m here to do?

These 3 exercises will keep you busy for a while… and will help you gain absolute clarity on your brand message that you can use across all social media platforms, your blog, as well as creating infinite numbers of blog posts and videos with it.

These are the things that are the real *juice* of WHY you do what you DO.

In the online coaching world— it’s so important not to get caught up in “what you THINK you SHOULD post” or what you think would get the most LIKES.

It’s more important to stay true to YOU. Stay true to your own personal values, what you personally stand FOR and AGAINST.

When you share exactly who you are and what you do, your TRUE MESSAGE from your heart, and all the ways in which you can help and serve your people, they will flock to you like a magnet.

They can’t NOT.

It is just a matter of… are you willing?

Are you willing to put yourself out there in a big way and continue to show up day in and day out until your soulmate tribe shows up?

I promise you if you continue to do this… not only will you have a huge soulmate tribe that loves you and will buy anything and everything you create (which is awesome)

But more than that… You will be living in full 100% complete alignment with your soul.

You can go to bed every night knowing that I AM DOING THE REAL WORK THAT MATTERS.



I shared from my heart.

I served from my highest capacity.

I stayed true to WHO I AM.

And that makes all the difference.

Let’s quickly recap here, remember it’s your job to carve out at least 20-30 minutes to journal unfiltered and uncensored on:

      1. What do you stand for / against
      2. 30 sec message
      3. I help xxx go from xx to xx so that they can xx

And let it all hang out!!!

Let me know how these exercises helped you and if you need help completing / tweaking them to fit your needs — let me know!!

Reach out to me, I’m here to help 🙂

In love & massive success,

Lauren Love xo

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