3 Steps to Shift Out of Money Stress Fast

3 Steps to Shift Out of Money Stress Fast

  • If you’re feeling stressed & worried about money
  • If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant
  • If you’re feeling lack
  • If you’re feeling distracted by too much to do & too many social media platforms
  • If you’re feeling confused
  • If you feel like things aren’t happening *fast enough*

Here’s a quick and easy tip to help you overcome

Years ago, when I was in the beginning of my business-building journey, there was one thing I did consistently that helped me grow my business and get major results for my clients.

No it’s not a strategy.

No it’s not a script.

No it’s not a 5 step process to success.

I practiced a mindset shift, an energetic shift that I’m going to explain what it is and how to do in this post today.

It is something I *required* in order to maintain a high level of energy in my coaching practice.

It is something I *required* in order to open myself up to receive loads of money in abundance.

The shift isn’t something you can *do*, it’s not an action.

But it IS a complete 180 from the way you’re probably doing things right now.

It has to do with surrender. Letting go of the outcome. Detaching from the results that you’re looking to provide or receive.

I get it, you’re a business owner and you’re probably thinking – “well Lauren, I AM looking to get results, so how’s that going to work?! I need money, I need clients, I need to get results for people so that I can keep customers coming into my business,” etc.

I KNOW you need these things.

I need them too.


When you have such a tight GRASP on *needing* to *get* it… it can push what you want away from you faster than you can say, ‘hot damn.’

When we grasp and desperately try to make things happen that are beyond our control, we are unable to fully receive what is actually meant for us.

Think about it… when you’re showing up online, when you’re writing your social media posts, when you’re doing sales calls… what is your energy focused on?

>>Are you focused on trying to write the best copy so you’ll have the highest conversion rates?

>>Are you focused on how you can best position your product and communicate the features and benefits in a compelling way so that your potential customers will be impressed?

>>Are you focused on trying to communicate why you’re products and services are so amazing and why everyone should buy/sign up / enroll?

>>Are you focused on what other people think about your content or worried about what you’re saying to people?

Chances are, if this is your focus then you’re most likely driving your *ideal* clients away.

Sure, you might gain a bunch of followers or get people to download your free gift… but are these the people who resonate with your soul? Are these truly the people who need your message and medicine that you have to offer in the form of coaching, courses, events, programs, etc?

What do you think would happen if you shifted the focus away from straight selling & trying to *get money*, and towards *serving* with all your heart and mind and soul?

Your ideal customers do NOT give a crap about how you write your copy. They only care if you deeply understand them and can provide a solution to them that makes sense. That is all.

If your energy is showing up all *sleazy sales* tactics and trying to *convert* them in one fell swoop— well, it’s not going to work to create your dream business and attract your dream clients.

So let’s get back to the mindset shift…

The energetic shift required…

When you notice your mind going to a place of holding on and trying to *make* something happen…

When you feel the tinge of fear because you’re afraid it’s not going to work…

When you notice yourself obsessing about *getting* the thing and you feel yourself holding on tightly…

Just. Let. Go.

Breathe deep into your heart center.

Drop into your body and get present to what is.

Release any tight-ness, tension, or holding on.

Ask yourself, ‘how can I be of service here – even if I get nothing in return’

Because that’s the thing.

Soul-based service is based on GIVING.

Sure we can have an intention to receive back, but…

It’s not your job to figure out *how* it’s going to happen.

Focus your energy on what you can give, how you can help, what value you can provide for others

Then release *having to get* something back in return

This is the key to detaching from the outcome.

How can you just let go?

Even if it hurts.

Some people are never meant to buy your services or become your client.

Others will be attracted to you like a magnet and buy every single thing you create!

But it is NOT your job to decipher *who is who*.

This is at the core of letting go.

You show up in all your fullest, messiest, authentic glory

You serve powerfully

You invite people into your containers – at whatever price & capacity

The people who are meant to buy, will buy

The people who are not meant to, won’t

Meaning: you don’t have to make other people buy or hold on to the outcome in order to get the results you want.

I hope I am being clear enough here.

This *shift* can be so powerful – because it relinquishes your attachment to the outcome and you aren’t swayed by how many people buy or sign up or how much money you make

You TRUST that it is all happening perfectly, exactly as it should be

You wanted 20 people to sign up but only 3 did?

Darling… “failure” is only feedback.

It’s taking these expectations we have for ourselves and throwing them out the window…

Maybe the program is only meant to have 3 people so you can learn to hone in and develop your craft at a deeper level

Maybe you give and give in the program to 3 people which creates a ripple effect in your energy and you get a $10k pay in full client the next day

You just never know, and cannot predict the outcome… therefore we have to RELEASE the outcome, fully and completely.

The *shift* I am speaking of — is a silent surrender. An energetic letting go. Of releasing the outcome from what I *think* it should be, and allowing it to be exactly what it is. Which is just PERFECT.

Let’s recap:

  1. Notice you are holding on, trying to predict and control the outcome
  2. Pause and take a breath, dropping into your body and your center
  3. Release your tight grip mentally & emotionally. Open yourself up to the possibilities. Shift your energy into an energy of allowing, expanding into a deep sense of trust that everything is exactly as it is meant to be.

Bonus tip: Journal on ‘what am I learning right now?’ to pull out the gems of wisdom and lock in a new more expansive and freeing state of being.

Let me know how this goes for you, what you’re letting go of and what you’re making room for!

Remember – you don’t have to have it all figured it all out.

All you have to do is show up. Do your magic and get out of the way!!

Let God / universe take care of HOW it will happen…

This is the way to create your dream life and business !!

Have fun 🙂

xo Lauren

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