10 Reasons You Should NOT Start a Coaching Business: Part One

Are you interested in starting a coaching business but unsure if it’s for you?

Then you are in the right place — in this article I am going to cover 5 out of the 10 juicy reasons why starting a coaching business would NOT be a good fit for you 

I’m not going to hold back, in fact some of the things I’m going to share here may be a bit controversial!  But I think it is SO crucial to be honest here.

After running a coaching business for over a decade, I know what it takes to be successful and have identified the main reasons why people fail, or worse— quit.

It’s important that you have all the information you need to be able to make an educated decision on whether or not this is for you.  You will find that once you go through this you will have a clear picture on both why this would NOT be a good idea, and also everything you will NEED to know in order to set yourself up for success in your coaching business endeavor.

Without further ado, let’s dive in shall we?!


Let’s be honest: a top reason to start a coaching business is because you’re looking to make money.  And not just a little bit, you want a LOT of money.  You want to be compensated abundantly for your time, energy, and expertise.

However, what I’ve found (through personal experience) is that trying to grow a coaching business when you’re DESPERATE for money will NEVER help you build the true dream coaching business you desire.


Couple reasons for this:

When “getting money” becomes your driving force, you will do things that are out of alignment.  You may do things that you wouldn’t normally do or create things that just aren’t an expression of who you really are and what you stand for.

In other words, you end up creating programs and offers that you think other people will buy, rather than listening to your intuition on what you REALLY want to be doing.

Another problem is that when you are desperate to make money, you become incredibly ATTACHED to the outcome.

Part of what makes my coaching so powerful is that I am SO DETACHED from the outcome.  What I am focused on is SERVICE, and serving clients so powerfully that they never forget our conversations for the rest of their life.  Helping facilitate a powerful decision in their life and committing to getting big results.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have strategy or systems for enrolling those clients and making money from your products, programs, and offerings.

What it does mean is that you see yourself as a Servant Leader FIRST, and making money off your art, your gifts, your talents and experience naturally comes as a result when you monetize it and invite people to take the next step with you.

Again, the key here is showing up, creating your art, serving powerfully, sharing your message, having a system, yet being DETACHED from the outcome (while declaring your money intentions and focusing on your big vision).

I’ve seen so many women NEED the money and then freak out and get scared because they think what they’re doing isn’t working.  They NEED it to work, because they either quit their job too early, or they don’t have enough of a savings or safety net to build the runway they need to be successful.

Bottom line here — figure out a way to not worry about money so that you’re not desperate.  Continue working your full time job, pick up a part time job, get a loan, or make sure you have enough in savings to cover your expenses while you work on getting your coaching business off the ground.

You will feel SO much better doing it this way and you will become so much more successful, happy and fulfilled in the long term by building a business that comes from a place of abundance and giving rather than lack and desperation.

This leads me into reason number two on why you SHOULDN’T start a coaching business…


Most coaches are NOT overnight successes.  That is delusional thinking — no one becomes successful overnight.  Rather, it is a slow and sometimes painful process of consistent effort and attention over time as you put the reps in and develop your skills.

Many women think they will come in and all of a sudden be able to (with minimum effort or energy) be able to enroll a bunch of clients and hit it big.

While quick wins and big money gains definitely CAN (and DO!) happen— it’s not the norm.  Nor should you bank on this happening right away.

If you’re going to commit to doing this— you must be all in and committed in the long term.

One of my long time mentors used to pose this question to me which I think is very insightful.  She said, “Lauren, what if you kept creating, serving, and leading people and you NEVER made any money from it?”

Now that is a powerful question and I want to be clear… the goal IS to make money, but walk through this with me for a second.

She was basically telling me that I needed to fall in love with my art and the process itself… because when I simply focused on my joy and love of the ART, allowing my message to flow through me— that THAT was the actual point of starting a coaching business.

The fact that you can monetize it is just a bonus!!

My coaching business in some ways is just an extension of who I am and what I desire to express in the world.  As a result, I attract to me soulmate people and create powerful communities to help them achieve their vision and goals.

I absolutely love what I do and am committed in the long term because it’s something I naturally enjoy.

If you don’t see your business this way, it may be harder to envision yourself doing it long term.

I think another reason people don’t commit and go all in is that they don’t know if it’s going to work.  It definitely will NOT work if you don’t go ALL IN!!!

Commit.  Go all in.  Even if you’re building this as your side hustle.  Don’t give yourself a way out.

Stay committed to your art, your message, the reasons why you’re doing this beyond the money, and you’ll eventually find the abundance and success you’re looking for.


The third reason why you should not start a coaching business is that you actually don’t have anything of value to share or sell.

You have to be careful with this one though.  I’ve worked with many women who weren’t sure they could offer enough value… but when we sat down together I found that their experience, wisdom and knowledge was INCREDIBLY valuable; they just needed someone to help them nail it down, create a signature system and offer that they could monetize and sell.

One way to test this for yourself is to write down a list of all the things you’ve accomplished, what you’re good at, what skills you have, and what you already find yourself helping others with that gets great results.  You will probably find that you have a list of 5-10 things or more on this list.

The most valuable offer that you can bring to the marketplace is packaging up your experience, skills, wisdom and knowledge in a way that has NEVER been done before.  This sets you apart from anything else out there and creates a competitive advantage.

For example, I have almost 14 years experience helping women recover and break free from their eating disorders.  I spent thousands of hours and over a hundred thousand dollars on learning how to become the best transformational and empowerment coach for women to help them heal their eating disorders and other mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and body dysmorphia.

In order to do that, I became an expert in communication and authentic relating.  I became an expert in listening and asking powerful questions that revealed the answers my clients were looking for.  I became an expert at trauma healing and helping women to heal their hearts.  I became an expert in teaching people how to overcome their limiting beliefs and have faith in themselves to make their dreams come true.  I became an expert in designing my own healing processes and coaching techniques that accelerated my clients growth.  And on and on.

Not only did I become an expert at the craft of coaching, but in order to run the business successfully, I had to learn everything that comes along with growing a business. 

I became an expert at content creation, attracting soulmate clients to me, creating systems and funnels to support my business.  I became an expert at launching programs and creating free communities that offered a ton of value and upsold into my paid programs.  I became an expert in writing, speaking, leading, teaching, training, and communicating my teachings and processes to others.  I became an expert in sales and enrollment, marketing and lead generation, operations, delegation, and stepping into my leadership as CEO of my company.  And on and on.

The reason I share all of this with you is that based on my unique background, what I offer now is a unique blend of all of my skills, talents, and experiences in the world.

No one else out there can create anything that competes with what I have to offer… simply because they are NOT ME.

My Rich Confident Coach program not only teaches you everything you need to be successful as a new coach launching and growing your business… but I am also expertly equipped to help women navigate anything else that comes up along the way.  Such as fear, anxiety, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, imposter syndrome, procrastination, etc.

Sometimes it isn’t that you don’t have the right STRATEGY… many women actually just are not aligned INTERNALLY and there are shifts and perspective changes that they need to make in order to actually be able to implement the strategy correctly.

I hope this is making sense to you that WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER is going to be COMPLETELY UNIQUE and DIFFERENT than anyone else.  How could it not!?

But if you sit there comparing yourself or worse, trying to duplicate what someone else is doing — you’ll NEVER be successful.

As long as you have this specialized knowledge, wisdom and experience from your past that people find valuable — you can start a coaching business successfully.  You just need to know how to package it up properly into an irresistible offer, market and sell it to your soulmate people (if you need help with this then definitely check out the Rich Confident Coach Program!!).


I’m going to be frank here.  If you don’t want to become an entrepreneur and run your own business — then you’re better off getting a job coaching for someone else.

This is still a great option — you don’t have to worry about marketing, generating leads, running sales calls, dealing with payment and customers, or even having a valuable offer or program to sell.  You can just coach clients.

This is a huge objection I hear from many women who say, “I just want to coach!  I don’t want to learn how to run a business!”

And I will say to you— then go find a job.

There are many coaching companies hiring (including my company) that would love to bring you on as a valuable asset and part of the team.  There are a few downsides however.

Biggest downside is the income earning potential.  There just isn’t as much opportunity working as an employee coach as there is if you would start your own business.

Biggest upside to working as a coach for another company is that there is virtually no risk.  Starting a coaching business from scratch inevitably creates a ton of uncertainty and risk.  Huge upside potential but it is definitely not for everyone.

In order to run a successful coaching business you need to not only be an expert at your craft (how you help your clients), but you also have to become good at the skills of working ON your business at the same time.

It requires developing a solid business model and offer(s), building effective marketing campaigns and creating content that converts, implementing powerful sales and enrollment strategies, while also building the systems, teams, and operations to support your business growth.

It definitely sounds more complicated than it is.  In the beginning you will be doing all of this yourself until you can afford to hire a team.  But that is what makes it difficult in the beginning, is that you have to wear all of these hats and take on these responsibilities especially when you have NO IDEA how to do any of them.

If you’re willing to learn these skills of running a successful business then I know you can be successful. This is what we help women with everyday in our programs.

One thing I’ve found is that YOU CAN’T DO THIS ALONE.

A key to my success has been hiring coaches and leaders who can guide me and show me the way.  I know I don’t know it all and I am humble enough to ask for help.

If you want to accelerate your growth, find a community of people who are working towards shared goals and learn from someone who has done what you want to do (like the Rich Confident Coach program).


I had a brilliant business mentor who was known for saying, Results don’t take time.  They take COURAGE.”

I find there is a lot of truth to this.

Just this last week I had a client in our Rich Confident Coach program tell me that she enrolled her second high ticket coaching client!  She went on to share that every time she puts herself out there and shares her message powerfully, she gets a client!  I thought that was very insightful and also very true in my own experience.

That’s not to say that you will get clients every time you make a post or share a video.  What it DOES mean is that courage and bravery is required to put your story, your message, and your offers out there.

It is normal to feel scared when starting something new.  Especially a coaching business that is based on your story, your experience, how you overcame your personal challenges and how you’re teaching others how to do the same.

I personally remember feeling vulnerable, scared, and worried about what other people would think.  I also felt like an imposter, like “who is going to listen to me, I’m not an expert!?  Am I even good enough or do I deserve this?!  What if I FAIL?!”

The truth is that these thoughts and feelings are completely normal.  What I’ve learned is that success is not the ABSENCE of these feelings… rather it is continuing to be brave and ACT DESPITE having these feelings.

Another one of my long term mentors used to remind me often, “Remove emotion and do the work.”

It doesn’t mean that you won’t feel scared.  It means that you must feel the fear and do it anyway.

I have found that having the willingness to face your fears and put yourself out there is a crucial element of success.  For purpose driven, passionate female entrepreneurs who want to build a business and brand based on being YOU – this is how to build the coaching business of your dreams.

So there you have it!  To recap, the first five controversial reasons you should NOT start a coaching business are:

  1. You’re DESPERATE for money
  2. You’re NOT willing to commit and go all in over the long term
  3. You DON’T have specialized knowledge other people find valuable
  4. You DON’T want to become an entrepreneur and learn how to run a successful business
  5. You’re AFRAID to put yourself out there

Ready to hear the next 5 reasons? Click here to continue reading the top 10 reasons why you shouldn’t start a coaching business.

Let me know if these reasons resonated with you in the comments below.

Are you still ready to launch and grow a coaching business from scratch? 

Let me know in the comments below, I look forward to hearing your response.

As always remember — this is the way to BREAK FREE and create a business and life you LOVE.

In love & massive success,

xo Lauren

P.S. If these reasons why you shouldn’t start a coaching business didn’t scare you, and in fact got you even MORE FIRED UP about launching and growing a profitable coaching business, then we need to talk!!

The Rich Confident Coach Program is open for enrollment and we have limited spots for you to apply.

If you know that you’re here for a greater reason, that you’re ready to unleash the Rich Confident Coach within, to build a sustainable business that can create an incredible income and freedom for you in so many areas of your life, then this program is for you!!

We will work closely with you to develop your irresistible offer, your authentic sales systems, attraction marketing and enjoyable lead generation systems — so that you can learn how to effortlessly enroll high ticket clients with EASE, without burning yourself out or spending time in overwhelm trying to figure it all out yourself.

Let us help and support you on your coaching business building journey!

Click here to learn more and apply for the program: Rich Confident Coach application

Now is the time to take action, your dreams are waiting!!! xo

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  1. Pingback:10 Controversial Reasons You Shoud l NOT Start a Coaching Business PART TWO - LAUREN MARSH

  2. Pingback:10 Reasons You Should NOT Start a Coaching Business PART TWO - LAUREN MARSH

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